These simple words are often what initiate a business engagement. Some level of dissatisfaction exists with regard to what is being achieved or how it’s being achieved. Even if things are going relatively well, it is not uncommon that something more or different is wanted at various levels – with one person, two people, a group, more than one group, or the entire organization. The topic of dissatisfaction, by nature, can be a “hard” conversation.
Consider this. Any business or organization is a network of conversations intended to coordinate action to meet desired results. When desired results aren’t happening, a key clarifying question that opens the agenda for a business engagement is :
What are the conversations that aren’t happening – or aren’t happening effectively enough – to generate desired results?
As it becomes clearer what conversations need to be happening with whom about what to get better results, a practical path for action begins to emerge which can often be initiated in a relatively quick time frame.
Business services are highly-customized and include the following:
- Business coaching/consulting – emphasizing results-focused conversations
- Meeting facilitation – forging agreements for action and accountability
- Conflict intervention – making it possible to discuss that which has been deemed “undiscussable”
- Presentation skills coaching – employing a highly individualized, customized and efficient process which includes both content refinement and delivery skills
- Individual coaching – applying practical, relevant tools to bring about clarity and courage needed to move forward with crucial conversations
- Dyad coaching – guiding work associates or peers to strengthen their communication in pursuit of business results
- Coaching for internal resources – deepening distinctions and broadening skills for staff who are called upon, formally or informally, to serve as facilitators, coaches, etc. for their assigned business partners
- Workshops or guest speaking engagements – covering a variety of communication-related topics